Dec 31, 2014

Best fake trailer for 2015

Knight Rider 2015

Shake it off

Shake it off - Australian x-factor

Energy Source

Diesel Power from The Fat of the Land

Dec 26, 2014

Unity Space Shooter

Created Unity-Rim-Scout, based on the Space-shooter tutorial on the unity site.

Final dist is on

Posted a question to try to see if someone knows how to make the explosion follow the initial vector of the object it is replacing:

Next step, the mobile version is described at space-shooter-to-mobile.

Dec 24, 2014

Safety is NOT guaranteed

Related movies:

Thumb Keyboard for Android

Saw this earlier this month... like the idea of a split keyboard (like the guy who codes while biking). thumb-keyboard.

Armonia Push

First Journey


More from xKito Music

Saginaw Malleable Foundry

One of the environmental/groundwater sites I spent a great deal of time at - it was the first environmental site I had been to while working at BB&L, was the GM Malleable Iron Foundry in Saginaw, MI.

This map shows the boundary of the property: wikimapia

Today I was looking to see what was still there and found little left of the place on Google maps, so I traced further back on the web news to see what had happened.

It's interesting that on the google map it doesn't look like even the environmental treatment plant is there anymore.

It appears that right near the southwest corner of the property is the Green Point Environmental Learning Center, which we never visited while working there.


  • 1917 - Plant opens @ 40tons/day reference
  • 1924 @200 tons/day
  • 1930 - plant stayed busy during the depression on a 10h/day, 6d/week schedule
  • 1937 surface kiln installed
  • 1946 - became part of Central Foundry Division
  • 1991 - integrated into GM Powertrain Division
  • May 2007 - closed reference
  • 2008 - Remedial Action Plan (RAP) approved

Dec 23, 2014


As part of Unity learning, ran through Project: roll-a-ball.

The project is at: github

My published web project is on

Philosophical approach to collision. - "No things are absolutely are or are not [solid]"

We the people bmx - trippin north

Best Bass Drops 2014

Puppini Sisters

Step into Christmas

Here comes Santa Claus

All I want for Christmas

Jingle Bells with Michael Buble

Let it snow

Acoustic Johnny Somerville

Dec 20, 2014

Eclipse Phase: Space Trivia Android Application

I started working on an Eclipse Phase Trivia Application in December. I pulled the glossary from the PDF of the rulebook, and added to a fork of an existing Space Trivia Android project on github.

The Space-Trivia android project is on github.

To import the questions, I also created a quick and dirty Java loader, Space Trivia Loader which can take the somewhat broken lined PDF data and make it into a clean CSV file for use in the Android application above.

Screenshot 1: Main View

Screenshot 2: Quiz View

Update 12/31/2014: added to google play store

Update 01/02/2015: cnet made a download link to it already.

Dec 6, 2014

Unity server on aws

Several solutions in this answers article.

Unity CaptureScreenshot command. This was the easiest to demo/implement.

Next: how to run headless?

AWS documentation

Note: chmod 400 jostens-2014.pem

Setting up a LAMP instance

Installing wget on macos

launching instance

ec2 cli

ssh -i jostens-2014.pem ec2-user@

Security group: adding security


Pin security

Nov 28, 2014

lush/sing sing

Lush - Nothing natural

Lush - Sweetness and light

Lush - For love

Lush - De luxe

Sing sing - Feels like summer

Nov 23, 2014

Windows 7 installs

Mad Painter

Collection of all the mad painter segments from Sesame Street. Paul Benedict the actor had acromegaly, and the actress that appears in a number of episodes was Stockard Channing, who played Rizzo in the movie Grease.

Nov 19, 2014

Debugging/fixing other people's code

When a select is a select, not checkboxes, yet they are trying to check it.

CUBI User Design Model


Nov 18, 2014

Nov 11, 2014

LEGO Mindstorms

Been trying to get my Lego Mindstorms kit from my bachelor days (pre-2000). I found that I could not install the old Win95/Win98 RCX 1.0 well on any of my modern systems, even in XP or Win95 compatibility modes. Then I stopped by Dirt Cheap/Box Shop in Bloomington, MN today. Pretty awesome deal on a Dell Latitude D510 Laptop with a serial port ($79.00). Installed the Lego Mindstorms RCX 1.0 software on it with no problems.

Nov 4, 2014

Android Wear Watchfaces

When I start up a new wearable project, or from github, I get an error about missing the play library, is there something I need to do to install that onto the android studio (OS 10.9.5/Mavericks)?

Error:Failed to find: Open File
Open in Project Structure dialog

Maybe this is a solution.

Nov 3, 2014

Election 2014 Notes

Links to different candidate websites for St. Croix Central


Attorney General

Secretary of State


Rep District 7

Assembly District 30

County clerk

Nov 2, 2014

That's Numberwang!

Numberwang Episode 1

Numberwang Episode 2

Numberwang Episode 3

Das Ist Numberwang

Numberwang Board Game


History of Numberwang

Daft Punk Helmets

Adafruit project

17 months

Thomas helmet

Or buy your own from volpin props for $300

Nov 1, 2014

That Mitchell and Webb Look

Frakin' machines

Found this at Mohit Muthanna's gplus

For Vectron!

Oct 31, 2014


Looks like it's good I didn't get the customized license plate for Arduino. Espruino allows you to write in JavaScript, which I prefer much to C string and char * messiness. It's available for $39.99 from seeedstudio.

There is an interesting graphical editor which reminds me of the Lego mindstorms rcx programming interface.

The isolator

Just recently I had looked up the isolator, I think this was because of something I saw in a course on coursera, then tonight on Elementary, Jonny Lee Miller had one on.

Oct 26, 2014


Three stories with Bill Murray

How a painting saved Bill Murray's Life

Isao Hashimoto

History of earth-based nuclear explosions, 1944-1998 by Isao Hashimoto

Analysis of the heat generated by these compared to the current heat reaching oceans, waste heat from machines here

Oct 21, 2014

Joel Hodgson

Saw a link to MST3k oral history on Joel's site. Also he said he's available from Heroes for Hire. This site has most of the great old and new Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rodgers, Caprica, Firefly, and Dollhouse.

Oct 18, 2014

Spooky Arduino 8x8 LED shields (Skulleyes)

As a halloween sketch idea, I'm making some eyes for a skeleton head I picked up at Michael's
The adafruit library and instructions were top notch and running as soon as I connected the wired. I wasn't sure if I could run two eyes in parallel but it was pretty easy. Perhaps by using different analog outputs I could have the eyes work independently.

Followup: I uploaded the combined MP3 player and eye animation code on GitHub: Skulleyes.

Updated video using Leonardo and older version of Skulleyes/Skulleyes.ino.

Followup: Die roller / skull eyes combination: SkullDieRoller

Eclipse Phase: Ideas

Eclipse Phase

Eclipse phase t-shirt

Oct 14, 2014

Comics code

In my coursera course at Comics, the professor brought up the regulations in the 1950s, which included: Standards of the Comics Code Authority. Interestingly the trend seems to have been away these standards since then, without a real defining body specifying the standards. Especially part B: "Scenes dealing with, or instruments associated with walking dead, torture vampires and vampirism, ghouls, cannibalism, and werewolfism are prohibited."

Oct 13, 2014

Rodgers and McCarthy

I think Rodgers must have children now, since it looked like Mike McCarthy seemed to be saying, "You lucky father," after Sunday night's game.

Oct 11, 2014

Richard Kiel

Richard Kiel, who passed away in September this year, was an interesting actor who I remember first and foremost from Moonraker.

Oct 5, 2014


Interesting compilation of events in the film, Primer

Sep 30, 2014

Sep 28, 2014

Sony SmartWatch 2 Coding

Somewhat caught up with my Arduino wishes (and the kayaking - data gathering season is ending), so looking back again at the Sony SmartWatch 2 I've been carrying around, using for simple calendar, time, messaging. I'd like to integrate with my phone for tracking GPS "events". Also, having attended the Ed Sheeran concert a couple weeks, ago it would be interesting to make a watch concert app.

Sep 27, 2014

Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Taking Comic Books and Graphic Novels on Coursera, by Prof. William Kuskin. So far is pretty good comparison to literature, making you consider composition, manufacture, timing, and subtext. Although I didn't read comics as a kid very much, I did watch a lot of cartoons. As an adult I've grown to appreciate some graphic artists, took a drawing class at the U of MN, and at one point took a Comic book drawing course at MCAD. He compares Shakespeare's quartos could be considered like a floppy.

Sep 23, 2014

Arduino MP3 Player

I just received my SEEEDStudio Music Shield tonight, will have to see if I can get running by tommorrow - yes! The SEEEDStudio music shield library at github worked great! You just have to unnest your mp3 files into the root, it currently does not do folder delving. Now I have some Vivaldi - Four Seasons and Kraftwerk - Autobahn to listen to on the way to work today.

VS10xx Clock Frq: 0xC000
Card type: SD2
Volume type is FAT16
---- songs in TF card (root dir) ----
1. 01SPRI~1.MP3
2. 02SPRI~1.MP3
3. 03SPRI~1.MP3
4. 04SUMM~1.MP3
5. 05SUMM~1.MP3
6. 06SUMM~1.MP3
7. 07AUTU~1.MP3
8. 08AUTU~1.MP3
9. 09AUTU~1.MP3
10. 10WINT~1.MP3
11. 11WINT~1.MP3
12. 12WINT~1.MP3
13. 02KOME~1.MP3
14. 03KOME~1.MP3
15. 04MITT~1.MP3
16. 05MORG~1.MP3
17. 01AUTO~1.MP3
Playing song 01SPRI~1.MP3 ...
Playing song 12WINT~1.MP3 ...

Hey Now (Sasha Remix)

Sep 20, 2014


Cecilia - fayenesse1's comment pretty much sums it up: "I'm pretty much officially jealous of Jimmy Fallon's life..."

The Boxer on SNL, 2001

Making of Cecilia - description of a physical "loop"

Sep 14, 2014

Arduino Pressure Sensor

A few weeks ago I recieved my BOSCH BMP085 Barometric Pressure Sensor module in the mail. Sparkfun has an excellent tutorial on how to hook it up to an Arduino.

Sep 13, 2014


You can catch Timewarp episodes on the discovery website.

See the original composer playing the theme on a BBC program, starts around 4:55

Sep 6, 2014

Eclipse Phase: All's well that ends well

Submitted this idea for the Con of the North:

The rim - this is no place for a civilized transhuman. The job: locate a bleeding edge tech for a corp. Reading the contract, your CPU reads reverse thrusters and head back to the closest gravity well, but your optics long to perceive positive signs in your credit readouts. How dangerous can a 300m long hab be? Approaching your target, you feel something deep's going down. You backed up? (396 chars)

System: Eclipse Phase by Catalyst Game Labs/Posthuman Studios.

Pre-gen choices provided.

Sep 5, 2014

Babylon 5

You know you've been watching too much Babylon 5, when you experience these things.

Or, as I did tonight, shout out, Eldot's from Babylon 5 while watching Friends 6.19: The One with Joey's Fridge. That was Josh Coxx AKA David Corwin

Sep 4, 2014

Friends quotes

"The messers become the messees" - Chandler, Friends, The one where everyone finds out - still one of my favorite all time quotes.

"Custard good. Jam good. Meat good." - Joey, Friends

Sep 3, 2014

Back to a Reliable Arduino Uno GPS + SD Logger

After a lot of tweaking, I think I have a more reliable data logger for GPS. I had been adjusting a variety of elements from my working logger, using comparison global variables to detect position change, manipulating the output, and I somehow got into a state where it was very unreliable - for instance, it might create the logger csv file, but there would be no contents. I think I am very close to the memory limit for an Arduino Uno. I have condensed most of the work - date and time manipulation for consistency, into one function, and also I've removed the aspects of the GPS library I was not using (velocity, heading, altitude). I also moved some of the common variables to be globals. I do think I'll try to change the code though so it will not log data if nothing has changed, which was a feature I liked about a previous version. - Update it's been added to the github project.

Sep 1, 2014

Arduino- based air quality data logger

Saw this product on the Arduino store at-heart catalog: air monitor.


Thinking about getting one of these gauges:


I think it sounds like the Scan Gauge II can show PID codes whereas nothing about the e seems to discuss that capability.



CAN duino

I'm not entirely sure about this but I think CAN BUS has something to do with control (like if you wanted an Arduino cruise control.



I've often thought efficiency is an interesting idea. You have to be precise about the numerator and denominator though, what are you measuring? Is it vehicle miles/gallon, or person miles/gallon. For instance, hauling 8 people in a van may have poor vehicle miles/gallon, but actually a high person-miles/gallon ratio compared to driving multiple, separate vehicles required for a quantity of people to travel the same distance. xkcd's mpg what-if has an interesting take on how mpg (vehicle-mpg or person-mpg) is really an area term.

Aug 31, 2014


Chainduio: an interesting kickstarter project for powering using just CAT5. I like the aesthetics of the project web site, nice neutral colors, glow.

Aug 30, 2014

The Stig's cover is blown

Apparently the stig drives in Illinois in a modest Malibu. Seen at the Bristol Renaissance Festival last weekend (08/24/2014).


A spoonful of imperial sugar

John Williams vs. Spoonful of sugar Walt Disney vs. John Phillip Sousa

Aug 29, 2014

Honda Insight 2014

So begins my foray into hybrid vehicles. I would have done it in 2004 if it seemed to make economical sense. It still really didn't until I looked at the Honda Insight base model. This no frills hybrid, hopefully will save some money in the long run by taking me from 3 gallons a day to 2. It wasn't until about 40 miles that I surpassed my highest-ever efficiency in my 2004 Mazda 6 - 31.98 mpg. By the time I reached my village it was up to ~ 37 mpg so far. I aim to keep this a low-frills car, though I might burn some custom mp3 cds and at least hook up my Samsung SIII as the nav system.


Aug 22, 2014

DS18B20 Temperature sensor

Ordered a DS18B20 temperature sensor on Amazon, thinking I could use this on the Arduino.

Sadly it looks like either I cooked it or it is faulty. Could not get a reading, raw, or address-based response. Ordered some more from another dealer to compare.

Temp + LCD output gist

LCD Keypad shield for Arduino from DFRobot

For my birthday I received a LCD Keypad shield for Arduino from DFRobot.

  • Push the button - works fine, so the LCD settings are:
    LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);           // select the pins used on the LCD panel
  • LCD_Buttons.ino - worked right out of the box

STEM at the MN State Fair

Went to the MN State Fair, yesterday, August 21, 2014. It was STEM day so there were a lot of neat exhibits - robotics, a rocket group that had an Arduino wired up into their rocket. Kids could make a straw rocket, Sierpinski Triangles, play with robotics, get infrared photos of themselves, and chemistry students from the University of Minnesota put on a show. In addition to interesting stuff at the 4H building - kits to power computer controllers.

Arduino Cake

Where the microchips could be made out of chocolate chips

Aug 21, 2014

Hail is...

If thunder could be explained in non-scientific terms as angels bowling, then hail is when the saints have ALS ice bucket challenges.

Massimo Banzi TED on Arduino

Aug 18, 2014

The Mundaneum

In the forum for my Internet History class, someone suggested this article from the Atlantic, featuring the Mundaneium, a planetwide network which seems to foretell the Internet.

From Otlet's Monde

Here is a 2012 presentation by the author. He also discusses Bush's Atlantic article:

Aug 12, 2014

GPSLogger - set up

Yesterday on the way to work I tried to run my GPSLogger, but discovered, nothing was saved, I had no results. On the way home, I made sure the USB was plugged into the higher voltage port on the Romoss, and reset the arduino a couple times after being plugged in. Then it worked OK. I wonder if the gibberish I sometimes get for the first few datapoints messes with the comparison strings, causes overflow (int, or a bad filename.

Aug 11, 2014

Aug 10, 2014

Arduino + GPS + SD Card -> GPSLogger

Tonight I tested out a pretty good version of a GPS datalogger. As mentioned in my previous post Arduino Storage + GPS, I have these components:

It checks the GPS on a 1 second delay, and if there is a change in latitude or longitude, it plots a new datapoint to the CSV file. Here is the latest source code for the project: GPSLogger.ino

For some reason the first few datapoints were messed up, but then it was pretty stable. Still not sure if that is the SD card warming up or the GPS. I ran the cleaned output through this site, which has a nice csv to google map plot, and came up with this for a quick walk tonight. Some of the datapoints were up to 5m off, but on the whole the vector and the trail were pretty accurate.

From a coding perspective the trickiest parts were fiddling with the conversion of output from DDMMYY to YYYYMMDD, extending the float or char arrays to Strings for simple output, and the use of the F() function to properly Serial-ize the labels, a question I learned the answer to from

There are only 300b left however, so I'm not sure what data I can log with the remainder.

Jul 29, 2014

Arduino Storage + GPS

Goal: to perform water quality datalogging with GPS information and later plot that data using google maps (or equivalent).

Jul 22, 2014

Rot - * for Inside the Internet course

rot jsfiddle for Dr. Chuck's Inside the Internet course on Coursera.

Jul 16, 2014

Warp six, full impulse?

Didn't remember this part of this episode, so blatantly wrong.

Jun 26, 2014

Not from a schmedi

Question: Can I learn how to make cohesive lasagna that's soft but cooked all the way through?

Answer: Not from a Schmedi.

Question: Can I find out where the barriers in the river are before I come upon them?

Answer: Not from a Schmedi.

Question: Can I find somewhere to buy old Mac laptops that are still new but cost half their original price?

Answer: Not from a Schmedi.

Question: Can I learn basic microeconomics?

Answer: Not from a Schmedi.

Jun 23, 2014

Brendan Eich: Inventor of JavaScript

Was part of the inside the internet course. Thanks Dr. Chuck, for making this video!

There are more IEEE Conversation videos as well.

Also, it's pronounced "jay-son" as per the owner of

Jun 19, 2014

Internet History, Technology, and Security - First Encounters with Networking Technologies

The following is my entry for the first essay in Internet History, Technology, and Security. In post-evaluation I could have told more about the internet experiences from a personal perspective, from learning HTML and Javascript in a short period of time to working on DHTML technologies using AJAX, technologies like CGI and Java Applets. There are also plenty of social stories about the internet from experiences with muds, roommates, emails, spoofed emails, and user conferences.

Write an essay about how your first encountered the Internet or an earlier networking technology. Describe the technologies you were using, some of the activities you did "on line", and tell us how having a new form of communication changed the way you think about the world. If possible connect your own history to the history described in this class. If your first experience was on another large-scale network like France's Minitel that is a great topic as well. The maximum length of the essay is 1000 words. Part of the reason for a word limit is to make you express your thoughts in an organized and somewhat succinct fashion. It is acceptable to have less than 1000 words. References are optional - use them if it is appropriate for your essay.

I grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. My father worked for several computer companies during my youth. Throughout my childhood he worked on a variety of projects involving several architectures from mainframe systems at Control Data Corporation (CDC), and supercomputers (ETA Systems, Cray Supercomputers and SGI), and using various user interfaces from command line, touch screen, and windowed environments. He would perform instruction in the US at locations sometimes secure installations, as well as Europe, China, and India. In whatever he did, he wanted to understand the systems backwards and forwards. I think as an instructor, he felt a responsibility to thoroughly understand the material, be prepared for client questions beforehand, to really provide the customers the most value during the training courses.

On weekends we would both sometimes go in to his work where sometimes we used green or amber terminals, touchscreen interfaces, or sometimes work directly in the mainframe computers rooms, within eyesight of the machines. To prepare for a class he would teach, sometimes my father would take a computer or system install from a clean state through the installation or upgrade. The rooms were spacious, clean, and though they contained a lot of equipment, from reel-to-reel drives, magnetic printers, and mainframes to terminals and monitoring equipment, they were still airy, open and comfortable. I'd do homework and then learn and experiment with languages using the instructions for corporate classes. One terminal that still sticks in my mind used vector graphics displays to show various sized display status, which was the first time I've seen windowed data with various font sizes, various panels updating in real time at various points on the screen, several terminal windows at once running different processes. Seeing all of that from one screen amazed me.

Using the PLATO system was my first introduction into networking with other on MMORPG games like Moria, a fantasy dungeon maze game with first-person 3-d graphics, or Empire, a 2-d Star Trek team-based starship combat game. I didn't communicate too much with other players, as I was using one of his accounts and he didn't want any work-related issues. But I did join up into groups or teams which offered some insight into team strategy. The PLATO system had email, IM, MMORPG, and touch screens. Later I ended up using PLATO systems in school for algebra and matrix math classes. The Bloomington school district made some arrangement to sell or lease Lincoln High School building in exchange for PLATO systems. However they were in a locked room in our Junior High, and I can remember we only could access the machines only for a few sessions during math class to learn matrix algebra but they weren't open and definitely not throughout the whole school year.

During the 1970s, on weeknights, my father would carry home paper phone terminals which started out like giant suitcases which required a phone cradle, eventually shrinking down to backpack-sized devices like TI Silent 700 terminals that only needed a phone jack. In pauses between when he was working, I had a chance to “hop on”, I'd play text-based human vs. computer games. As the user, I'd make plays via a command line. Each turn the game state would typically post a reprint, so there was a lot of paper used. In the early 1980s, he built a PC-AT clone, and from then on home computers with modems replaced the need for paper terminals for remote work. Eventually instead of just playing games, I'd write my own in BASIC.

At the IT Board of Publications, around 1992 we started to serve digital copies of our publications, newsletters and magazines, using Gopher, a TCP/IP protocol for file sharing. Around that time, one of the Computer Science students on the Board suggested we consider switching our printed student technology magazine Minnesota Technolog publication to the web. We didn't decide to make the switch that year (1994), and it looks like that decision waited until 2003 according to

When I was in grad school at Johns Hopkins, the first internet pages weren't yet as useful as library research tools of the day. However other aspects of the internet such as working remotely, downloading scientific software, and visiting environmental field-related USENET groups, which is how I inquired and applied for my first job after graduation from a posting to sci.geo.hydrology by a senior geologist from a firm in Syracuse, NY Working in the field I stayed connected to the internet via AOL which at the time had the benefit of a convenient pool of dial-up phone numbers in every area code. Later as the internet progressed, I decided to take up a former manager's offer and switch fields, moving back to Minnesota to work at an ERP software firm that was doing some interesting communication using javascript and hidden frames, a precursor to AJAX.

I guess what I appreciate now more than anything is the access that having my father working at these companies provided. In private households, at my father's friends or my friends houses, computers were scarce, typically off limits to tweens or teens. Peer children who had computers would show them off, but be unwilling to share. Even later, well into the PC/Mac era, at the University of Minnesota, competing for scarce terminals or space in a computers lab was a frustration. As computers became less expensive, remote online services became available, computer time was accessible 24-7, and having multiple systems was cost-effective, now systems are ubiquitous.

Gefell, M. 1995. Quantitative Hydrogeologist Position Available. Posted to Sci.geo.hydrology usenet group. Referenced via:

Minnesota Technolog. 2004. Referenced via:

Wikipedia. 2014. PLATO (computer system). Referenced via:

Jun 7, 2014

London Grammar - Strong


In college at the University of Minnesota I was strongly considering between purchasing a NextStep versus a Macintosh machine for schoolwork and personal use. Since we used Macs at the U.S. Bureau of Mines, I had access to a variety of software, compilers, and documentation. The NextStep would have been more interesting but had much less software, a smaller range of peripherals were available and the only store was the University's. At the time they were about the same price ~$3,000. So I often wonder what that experience would have been like. The Postscript display sounded cutting edge. But I also wonder if I'd be off on my own for system problems, much like in linux where you might have to search, tweak, recompile a hardware driver just to get it to work.

Jun 1, 2014

Hey Now Live in Glasgow

London Grammar - Hey Now

May 29, 2014

Doctor Who Bunker Hill Quote

"Don't fire until you see the green of its tentacles." - Doctor Who in the Horror of Fang Rock