Nov 24, 2015

General Grievous sound-alike

If you listen closely to the voice of the Neomodian standing next to Nute Gunray in Attack of the Clones (is that Rune Haako?), his voice sounds a lot like that of General Grievous, however Mathew Wood is not credited with this voice, at least in the wookiepedia.

Nov 15, 2015

Bridge experiments

 Mass Power Ratio
Apparatus [g] 
Loader 50 
Scale 235 
Bucket 498 
TOTAL 783 

Arch Bridge

Note: archlike, using straight lengths of balsa wood

Mass                         23 g
Rocks                      8670 g
Total mass load at failure 9453 g
Efficiency                  411

Separated Warren Truss

Note: had to modify the center to fit the prescribed loading device

Mass                         19 g
Total mass load at failure 4880 g
Total load                 5663 g
Efficiency                  298

The Forest


Nov 10, 2015

Rock School

Bill Fisher introduced me to this show - I bought a video tape from him so I could watch the episodes he recorded again and again.

Episode 1

Episode 1 (1/3)

Episode 1 (2/3) - the Communards on the piano

Episode 1 (3/3) - synth sound waves

Nov 7, 2015


1. Today, I never realized this before, but it looks from this picture, that the number of the fighter example Red 2 matches the number of lines on the wing. Thus to identify which xwing you are referring to, there are stripes on the wing. Y-wings use a more elaborate - set parentheses or brain diagram looking join to the tail of the head (by the cockpit). 2. Yesterday, I was thinking how they suggested that the X-wings were antiquated, and how George lucas used WWII films to correlate with dogfight action in Star Wars, that the X-wings might parallel the idea of Bi-planes (Beechcraft C-43, Fairey Swordfish)

Nov 2, 2015

Social Network Titles

I love the font, specs, size, music, and the atmosphere of the opening scene (after 0:12). The school shots remind me of nighttime at Johns Hopkins.