Mar 17, 2011


Definitions of SCRAM - "Safety cut rope axe man". That's axe man, not necessarily "Ax-man".

Forget the tv experts... here are the MIT's nuclear experts.

Mar 15, 2011

Economy Prophecies are Self-Fulfilling

If it ain't broke. The economy is self-fulfilling with respect to reports. Reports say the economy is in decline, companies restrategize and cut back and the prophecy is fulfilled. Smart, agile companies assess their own strength in the market, use those strengths to succeed. Even in the Great Depression companies succeeded, not by buckling down, but by continuing to innovate.

Mar 11, 2011

Automated Auto Parking - Autostadt

A few years ago I had a dream about this type of autopark, but I'm pretty sure I don't remember seeing these photos. I wonder if I saw a clip somewhere in the papers, the internet, or ???

It definitely would make for an interesting situation to be inside of - there is a lot of trust that the sensors and operations wouldn't trap, drop, crush someone inside the park.