Oct 23, 2011

Galaxy Express 999

Just started watching Galaxy Express 999 on Crackle, some of it has some Eclipse Phase potential in terms of metaphysics, transhumanism. The concept of a space train is somewhat ridiculous the way it is portrayed as an actual steam engine in space, though if they just drew it with more realism and some kind of magneto cannon it would be believable. Everyone in the show is trying to save up money for a new body.

Here is a list of episodes.

Crackle has some repetitious and odd adds though.

Oct 19, 2011

Created a new SourceForge CSS project

I create a project to scan CSS files, sort the z-index values and create a plot of the results. Check it out here: CSSTC - Css Traffic Control.

Oct 15, 2011

Setting up Sass in a Java Tomcat Environment

Collecting info on putting this together. Stack overflow there are several options:

1. Jruby
2. Filter
3. Compass + Sass

Oct 9, 2011

New Sites

These are some new sites I heard of this weekend at TCCC:

  • Litmus: For testing how different emails appear to different browsers.

  • Rails Wizard: For putting together a package.

  • Pragmatic Programmer Magazine: a free magazine about recent programming topics like clojure, CoffeeScript, etc.

  • Backbone: a return to structural javascript models like I used to advocate more, tip to tail. This is real object oriented programming, not just DOM-attachment like jQuery promotes. But with models connected to the server, tools for list and maps. Look at all of the clients using it, quite a list.

    I like this site for it's smoothness and calming look: QuiteWrite

  • Underscore: jquery-complimentary javascript methods

  • Guid: Creating a guid in javascript

TCCC11 - Day Two

2.1 Introduction to Design Patterns by Brian Gorman. Bizarre take on the Star Wars Universe characters from a patterns perspective. I truly think if he had played Starships Unlimited or looked at damage from an energy perspective, he might have implemented the Decorator pattern differently. Good early morning talk to get you going, but a little on the light side in terms of GoF patterns.

2.2 Knockout JS by Judah Himango. Data bind your way to dynamic HTML UIs with clean maintainable code. I think this is pretty neat, it uses a lot of what XForms could have been, seems consise, and powerfully cleans up the code. This contacts editor shows the hierarchical data case I have been looking for.

Great talk, great examples. Every question from the audience was answered in the next section.

2.3 HTML5 Canvas by Kevin Moot. Good summary and examples for each of the canvas features. Learned a bunch of tricks I did not know you could do in canvas5. Great examples at moot-point.com. Though the video examples did not run at work.

2.4 Web Development with Sass and CoffeeScript by Brian Hogan. http://www.webdevelopmentrecipes.com
Learned the term hoisting, which is how local variables are hosted to their most local scope. In function variables hoist up to their functions. You can see this by watching the debugger. Upon entry to a function, that variable is hoisted to the visibility of the function, as opposed to languages which treat scope between curlies more stringently.

2.5 Writing Closure Macros by Kurt Christensen. I think I've heard this talk before. It was fun watching the translators trying to keep up with his off-the-wall vocabulary.

I won a T-shirt which was ironic because I already had ordered one of the TCCC t-shirts from their cafepress site earlier this week (and wore it to the conference today).

Oct 8, 2011

TCCC11 - Day One

At first I was unsure about some of the presentations at #TCCC11, but the ones I went to today were actually highly relevant.

1. The first talk, Essential Database Performance for Developers brought up several ways to look at performance in SQL Server and Oracle before going to production. At the end, David Berry had a number of SQL queries you can use to summarize metrics queries in a live environment, information which might help with performance improvements. I'd like to see if I can find the Oracle equivalent of these examples as they seemed very helpful!

He also mentioned several free books from Redgate software:
• SQL Server Execution Plans by Grant Fritchey
• Mastering SQL Server Profiler by Brad M McGehee

Also, redgate makes data generation tools. I often wonder if StochUnit would help someone with data generation for testing purposes.

Still part of me is saddened, that where I work, we've done the work to find out where the indices are needed, but because the database DDL and DMLs are not checked into SVN for most projects, and physically part of the release we end up re-finding those issues in INT and PROD as well. I've suggested a system to keep those in check with the sourcecode but that doesn't seem to have been accepted by that group.

2. The second talk by Jon Stonecash, HTML5 Graphics: Pretty Pictures for Practical Processes was a look at providing graphics using JPG generator, an HTML5 generator, and an SVG generator. It was interesting to note the comparison of that same process to what we've been working on at work recently. It was a lot of code for the amount of output it showed, but it gave me a chance to finish a few tasks this morning like getting TextMate installed finally on my Mac. Some people showed some ignorance and seemed more ready to challenge the speaker. I'm not sure I agreed with them, there are some reasons to at least investigate the SVG technology. Becoming familiar with both the positive and negative aspects of any technology is part of understanding its benefits and limitations.

The Nerdery put on lunch, thanks Nerdery! Even though I had pizza last night, it was nice to not have to spring for every meal today and save a bit. They sound like a fun workplace. They put on a number of volunteer and seminar pieces throughout the year, unfortunately have not been to one yet. It'd be interesting to try the volunteer competition where you come up with a website in 24 hours for a non-profit. One of the UI employees said the groups get to meet with and research the group you'd be working with before the time starts.

3. The third talk I went to, Implementing Messaging Patterns in JavaScript Using the OpenAjax Hub by Kevin Hakanson, was something I was unsure if I would like. But Kevin's talk was timely look at using OpenAjax + his own $hub jquery plugin to help manage and create message events. It was timely because we are at the point in some of our applications where chaining of events is starting to become problematic, we could benefit from Idempotence, message id'ing, and parallel distribution chains. OpenAjax has some message channel based tools which his code adds behaviors onto, and adds functionality like guid ids, timestamps, etc to the message header. I really like that though he addressed the message patterns at an architectural level, he also had qunit tests to demonstrate and test the behavior for the different patterns. I also learned about the deferred object which is how jquery handles the event delay at startup.


4. Nothing really grabbed me for the next session, so I spent the time getting ruby on rails, aptana's toolkit installed. Sorry Steve nothing on line on the microsoft site really told me what Metro applications were, and being a Microsoft technology, I'd rather not slip down that dark path.

5. The last session was an interesting hybrid of 4 person peer programming to get a simple site up and running with a number of technologies, some of which I've been researching recently (Sass). To create the structure, rather than boilerplate or Initilizr the Skeleton Framework. Tonight I tried out the skeleton site on several mobile pad devices at Best Buy. Some of the Android tablets don't respond to a rotate, and I don't seem to understand just what is that browser some of them have installed, that looks like a lame google chrome?

Asked a question to the panel and asked if you wanted to start a ruby on rails project, which github would you start with, and they suggested railswizard which I said was the best answer ever.

Didn't win any prizes, but I think Aravind, a co-worker won a book.

Oct 7, 2011

How many US Pilots have shot down a satellite?

One, USAF Major Wilbert D. "Doug" Pearson

Nature article on human cloning

In this article in Nature, there are several points mentioned which explain as to why you have not seen real human cloning yet.

Oct 5, 2011

Science Fiction and Caprica

What stories represent the first Cylon war between the twelve colonies and their Cylon creations?

Here is a pretty neat map of the twelve colonies.

Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011)

Apple says goodbye.

"My model for business is The Beatles: They were four guys that kept each other's negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are not done by one person, they are done by a team of people." - Steve Jobs

At least once a day, this happens in Eclipse

Here's the meme I created for it.

Oct 4, 2011

email 被盗

Scary stuff if you keep you private email at yahoo, now it could be owned by China?

Time to get a more secure email address.

It's h-t-t-p firefox.

To get your browser HTTP protocol back (it's part of the address). Unfortunately Firefox 7 jumped with the trend of chrome in showing less and less information to the user.

here's the fix.


Finally, Sass allows you to use variables in CSS.

It was something similar to an XML structure I had written at Lawson for a Style/Theme Editor, and reexamined as a possible templating/substitution architecture in XMPP. Similarly too, is Sass's ability to adjust colors. At one point Scott McEndree had a library for doing color manipulation in javascript for Lawson as well.

I'll see if Sass fits into our current spring/content library. It might save a bunch of time on some projects.

Oct 3, 2011

Knockout JS

Getting strangely dizzy researching Knockout JS. It makes a lot of sense. What XForms could have been, what jQuery is missing.

Oct 2, 2011

Worth 20 songs today - I promise you

Happens a lot

Is that word misspelled?

History of Rev105 radio

I remember Kevin Cole DJing a lot at First Avenue in the 1990s, but I didn't realize his connection to the radio outlets as well. Here's a good writeup of Rev 105's history.