Sep 30, 2018


"Brett Kavanaugh lied yesterday under oath. He lied about the drinking age in Maryland during his senior year in high school. He lied about the crass expressions on his yearbook page. And he also lied about having a perfect memory notwithstanding heavy drinking."
- Jennifer Taub

It's clear he lies about treating women with respect during his interview. He's been unable to answer simple questions about whether he's met with Trump's lawyers.

Find the best candidate for the job. Not the one that dodges simple questions and commits perjury under oath. Suggestion: look outside the political swamp.

Sep 4, 2018

Reading/Listening 2018 Q3

July 2018 Banks, Ian M. 1988. The Player of Games (Audio)
August 2018 Banks, Ian M. 2004. The Algebraist (Audio)