Jan 31, 2012

WOPR interface

WOPR: Identification not recognized *** Request Denied *** bzzz bzzz bzzz

More LINT/Monsters


Monster DOM

Jan 30, 2012

Nice presentation

"Think Lego, not Play-doh" - gskinner

Jan 27, 2012

Silent Tribute

There's something more powerful about a whisper.

Java Comparators


Collections.sort(catalogs, new BeanComparator("publishCatalogName"));
Note: you should check if the performance hit is worth it, since it uses reflection, you might be taking a hit.


comparaterChain.addComparator( new ReverseComparator
(new BeanComparator("age") );
Allows you to chain existing comparators together.

Similar comparators from apache

Food Tracker

US Food Tracker

CSS List

The CSS list... did you know all these?

Corporate Aerial Drones

In this LA Times article, it is like the corporate aerial drones in Tony Ballantyne's recursion model are going to be a reality sooner rather than later.

If politicians were readers of science fiction, they'd be ahead of the curve, instead of propped up with information from corporate lobbyists. The problem is there are no lobbyists for futurists who can see ahead of the curve with a memory for what is evil for society and strive to prevent those situations from becoming reality.

Jan 25, 2012

Classic Star Wars Fan Films

Incident at Toshi Station

IG-88 the dancing robot

Jan 21, 2012

Arpeggio Synths

Never let me down by Lip Service

Aggro mix by Depeche Mode

Original by Depeche Mode

Jan 18, 2012

Girl Talk


Bounce That:

Feed the animals 2:


SOPA could tragically disrupt the internet by bogging down a free-flowing system of e-commerce with crippled or removed sites littering the landscape of consumer purchases. At a time when the economy is at a low, it is unreasonable to be injecting bills into the US which only damage online commerce, education, and the free flow of ideas online. There are already enough laws giving police powers, it is time to roll back some of those in the interest of preserving an enlightened democracy. There are two futures that bridge from this decision : one run by corporations in a fascist like state or one where people have liberty and freedom. Don't let a few troublemakers ruin the internet for the rest of us. I encourage you to block SOPA and PIPA, and get back to work on endeavors that create jobs, promote American ingenuity, and benefit the welfare of the people.