Nov 29, 2012

Quickmeme: Driving

Most of the time when someone recklessly passes me on the way to work, this is how I feel when I see them next to me at the light.

Or this guy, when we're locked in traffic, whose cost of time exceeds the life value of his fellow drivers:

Added this meme caption:


Nov 27, 2012

The Infernal Machine

Just saw The Infernal Machine, one of the better miniatures-based episodes of Space 1999.


"I am companion." - played by Leo McKern who also was one of the number twos from the Prisoner.

My wife found this Top 10 List. We're going to work our way up the list. I don't know if I would put any of these anywhere even near a Blakes 7 or Babylon 5.

  1. Earthbound - Toy spaceship crash lands. Saruman 30 years ago still looks and sounds like Saruman today. Robin Hood is an angry angry space scientist.
  2. Dorcons - Nice spaceships, overacting inhabitants.

Nov 26, 2012

Open Source Projects


Here is a set of links to some projects I've worked on, more for my interest in having the links at my fingertips.

  • JSDoc 1.4, then jsdoc-toolkit, now JSDoc 3
  • Struts Cocoon (June 2004)
  • JavaPloy Board Game (May 2006)
  • G2destiny (October 2008)
  • Cartomedes (November 2010)
  • StochUnit (December 2010)
  • Css Traffic Control - CSSTC (October 2011)
  • Metricker (August 2012)
  • Github

  • storyline-vector (2011)
  • clib (November 2012)
  • Nov 25, 2012

    Friends: The One Where Ross Got High (1999)

    Joey Tribiani: "What's not to like? Custard, good. Jam, good. Meat, good!"

    The Cellar

    Our youngest son has a fear of going into the basement on his own. It's not a rational fear. I'd more more frightened of going outside in the cold, where you could get locked out. There are no locks to the basement. Of the rooms in our house, the basement has the best carpeting. There's no monsters there. There are lights all the way down. Of the basements of people in our family, ours feels the least scary. But maybe subconsciously, or via english to genetic transposition knows of this story.

    Nov 23, 2012


    We've been watching this series, Lexx. I found out about it by perusing the tv series section at Target. I wouldn't recommend watching this show except if you just want to have another ota to share with friends at sci-fi conventions. It's a perverse, off-channel, Canadian/German sci-fi series, in a slimy underworld expansive future far from the lofty expectations of ST:TNG. There is a dead assassin, a half-human/lizard love slave, a robot head (just the head), and a basal maintenance guy in a Joel Robinson-style maroon jumpsuit. The Lexx spaceship is organic, but not clean and futuristic like the Vorlons in Babylon 5, more like being inside of a farm animal replete with strange walls, fluid ports, and squishy controls. It's saving grace is that it has the power to slice a planet with its Kinsu energy weapon.

    The Lexx

    Whitman Press Out Books

    I remember going with my family as a child to the Dayton's Holiday show, and finding a bunch of these books... Whitman's press out books. Some are still for sale.

    Nov 6, 2012

    Edgar Allen Hoover Quote

    Here is a quote from President Hoover on engineering. He was a geologist, worked in mining, commerce, advanced radio and efficiency in government. His misfortune of ascending to the presidency just prior to the Great Depression ruined his chance in history to make good on his campaign promises.

    "It is a great profession. There is the fascination of watching a figment of the imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realization in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings jobs and homes to men. Then it elevates the standards of living and adds to the comforts of life. That is the engineer's high privilege.

    The great liability of the engineer compared to men of other professions is that his works are out in the open where all can see them. His acts, step by step, are in hard substance. He cannot bury his mistakes in the grave like the doctors. He cannot argue them into thin air or blame the judge like the lawyers. He cannot, like the architects, cover his failures with trees and vines. He cannot, like the politicians, screen his shortcomings by blaming his opponents and hope the people will forget. The engineer simply cannot deny he did it. If his works do not work, he is damned...

    On the other hand, unlike the doctor his is not a life among the weak. Unlike the soldier, destruction is not his purpose. Unlike the lawyer, quarrels are not his daily bread. To the engineer falls the job of clothing the bare bones of science with life, comfort, and hope. No doubt as years go by the people forget which engineer did it, even if they ever knew. Or some politician puts hs name on it. Or they credit it to some promoter who used other people's money . . . But the engineer himself looks back at the the unending stream of goodness which flows from his successes with satisfactions that few professions may know. And the verdict of his fellow professionals is all the accolade he wants."

    Did you know Hoover created his own variation of volleyball, Hooverball?

    Electoral College 2008

    Deja Vu?


    Differences: Nebraska, Indiana, and North Carolina 2012.

    Wrath of the Math article.

    Nov 5, 2012

    TIL: Clue

    Mrs. Scarlett was not Susan Sarandon

    Which concert?

    Q: Which concert costs only 45 cents?


    Miami Heat

    Last week, we released the Miami Heat ring site, which had a sizable mobile implementation based upon 1) media queries, and 2) user agents.

    Very cool UX widgets

    Dials, sliders and gauges, oh my!

    Nov 4, 2012

    Joel Hodgson at the Pepitos Parkway Theater

    Saw Joel Hodgson last night at the Pepitos Parkway Theater after seeing an article in the City Pages. The theater was packed.

    Pepitos Parkway Theater

    Joel Hodgson

    The night started off with a view of "Project Popcorn": a Russian knockoff of MST3K. The lighting, orientation, everything are ripped off from MST3K's opening sequence

    проект попкорн

    It was humorous and inspirational. He talked about his creative history, starting from his magic act, ventriloquism catalogs, making puppets, his comedy act, and eventually how he met and created MST3K. He showed slides and closeups of very odd and scary bits from record albums, ventriloquism catalogs, magic catalogs.

    Albert the Alley Cat

    Inspiration from a John Elton cover

    I got to see him several times last night. I mentioned I was from Wisconsin and was fan #12 from the MST3K club. Somehow that inspired him to ask if I was a Packers fan. One of his friends from WI was there and brought cheese curds for him. Later my wife and I went up afterwards to get an autograph and he remembered me and I got to ask my question, "How do you stop riffing when you're watching a movie with your spouse?" He responded, he doesn't riff when he's not working.

    Joel Hodgson's Senior Portrait