Mar 26, 2020

Tales from the Loop

TIL there will be a Tales from the Loop RPG miniseries

Mar 25, 2020

Cowboy Bebop - Ballad of Fallen Angels

One of my favorite parts of Cowboy Bebop anime series

Mar 7, 2020

Pardon Moi

Pardon Moi - Power to the People

Heard on Miss Monique's mimo weekly

Mar 1, 2020

Eliza, are friends "Electric"?

ELIZA: How do you do.  Please tell me your problem.                             
YOU:   You know I hate to ask, but, are friends "Electric"?                     
ELIZA: You say I know you hate to ask ?                                         
YOU:   Mine's broke down an I've no one to love                                 
ELIZA: Can you elaborate on that ?                                              
YOU:   So i found out your reason for the phone calls and smiles
ELIZA: Do you want my reason for the phone calls and smiles ?                   
YOU:   And it hurts                                                             
ELIZA: What does that suggest to you ?                                          
YOU:   And I'm lonely                                                           
ELIZA: How long have you been lonely ?                                          
YOU:   And I should never have tried                                            
ELIZA: Do you say and you should never have tried for some special reason ?     
YOU:   And I missed you tonight                                                
ELIZA: You seem to need to missed me.                                           
YOU:   So it's time to leave.                                                   
ELIZA: Please go on.                                                            
YOU:   You see this means everything to me.                                     
ELIZA: What makes you think I see this means everything to you ?                
YOU:   [Synth solo]                                                             
ELIZA: I'm not sure I understand you fully.