Dec 16, 2016

FASA Star Trek Character Sheets

This is a character sheet tool using angular to view character sheets

The project is on github if anyone would like to contribute.

Features include:

  • Simple library of JSON files
  • Print capability

Derived from eclipse phase character sheets project

Dec 10, 2016

Dec 9, 2016

Jesus and Mary Chain

Blues from a gun

Head on

Halfway to crazy

Dec 5, 2016

Prep the Industrial for the next 4 years

KMFDM - Megalomaniac

Front 242 - Moldavia

Front 242 - Don't Crash

Front 242 - Quote Unusual

Front 242 - This World... DSM-01-04

Dec 4, 2016

Nuclear Real Estate

How close to nuclear weapons do you live?

The Day After

Still a pretty shocking movie, though I remember Threads the BBC equivalent had a longer tale of what would happen to society afterwards

Blakes 7 RPG at Con of the North

I signed up to run a Blakes 7 RPG adventure at Con of the North.

You are one of Blakes crew, fighting the corrupt Federation. Can you stop Servalan from devastating another world or will her agents end your spree of revolutionary agitation?

Nov 29, 2016

Nov 14, 2016

SFB Black Hole Map

I started making a black hole map a couple of years ago, but I did it with separate 8 1/2 x 11" sheets of paper. I guess that was a bad decision, since the hexes led to a bad set of edges. Starting over, here are the pieces I found.

Dremel cutting and cleanup:

Stacked layers

A vote, what does it mean?

This is the part about voting I dislike. To make it straightforward and simple to tabulate the republic's votes, the entries are just a list of names or name sets. That is the vote. There is not an additional set of questions for additional information. It is just that. But, the media, and people we most hear from vocally on social media, read beyond to assert, this is a mandate for x, or this means y.

Political commentators debate what a vote meant, you can conduct polling, but scientifically, if they want the real data, they need to ask the voters exactly what was their intent? Was it a party-line vote, was it for policy x or y, was it a character assessment of the candidates, or was it an endorsement or objection to past behavior, was it their fitness for command of the military, or their views on social issues, was it their economic plan, their views on trade agreements and working with other nations, was it the their cabinet, their views on issues? or was it based on their list of accomplishments? There is no way to know for sure without allowing an essay portion of the ballot. In reality each voter used their own (hopefully) multi-objective function to assess the list of names presented and choose the one they wanted to see in office (for local candidates).

Know what you know, which is the count of the votes. But asserting that the vote means this or that perverts the intent of the voter into possibly a media or political agenda. It does not mean a mandate for x or y or a disapproval of z. It simply was the multiple choice box selected from among the options, nothing more.

This is not meant to justify x or y behavior, this is to say, you are entitled to your belief but if you read more into it you are guessing as you don't have the metrics to back it up. Arm waving is not science. I'm not sure political science is science if this estimating/theoretical phase is the outcome. For political science to truly test it's hypotheses, it needs to run the numbers and ask the questions on the ballot and get the full data.

The problem would be, is that list another multiple choice, or an essay. For completeness sake, to describe the thought process and weighting of variables, it would need to be an essay response.

It's also wrong to thrown this name selection, the vote, into a group demographic. As it is a multi-objective function, there is not a cohesive set of weightings to everyone's selection process. What one person weights higher, another may give a lower weighting. The only assertion that can be made is the output. Again, asserting that all of a certain group is incorrect (there may be correlations, but probably not 100% in-line with the data). All of a demographic does not vote the same way. To assert that is true is labelling and leads to stereotyping.

So please don't spin the meaning of anyone's vote, or take it as a mandate for x. It belittles the process and everyone's statement. It usurps what they actually said, a name, for for than it actually is. If you interpret it differently you are likely to be incorrect. And you're just adding to the plethora of disinformation everyone is forced to sift through.

Nov 11, 2016

Rights and Responsibilities

With the rights come responsibility, which the US citizenship site puts succinctly:

Freedom to express yourself.
Freedom to worship as you wish.
Right to a prompt, fair trial by jury.
Right to vote in elections for public officials.
Right to apply for federal employment requiring U.S. citizenship.
Right to run for elected office.
Freedom to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Support and defend the Constitution.
Stay informed of the issues affecting your community.
Participate in the democratic process.
Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws.
Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.
Participate in your local community.
Pay income and other taxes honestly, and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities.
Serve on a jury when called upon.
Defend the country if the need should arise.

Nov 8, 2016


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door

-Emma Lazarus

Nov 7, 2016


It was the best of Times New Roman,
it was the worst of Times New Roman.

- Tale of Two Cities

Oct 21, 2016

Sesame street compilations

Typewriter guy

Pinball song


Oct 17, 2016

The Martian

I wish I had seen this earlier.

Oct 15, 2016

Paul Elio's automobile

Like a continuation of the aptera design, but boxier and only a single seater: elio motors.

Interesting article at timeline as to how and why the Aptera company closed. Essentially they tried to pursue the green DOE loans but were unable to get the funding necessary as a car, redesigned and ran out of cash. They think if they had stuck with a privately funded approach, they would have been successful.

Oct 10, 2016

Whilest we have Freedom, Jefferson

"Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both. We are destined to be a barrier against the returns of ignorance and barbarism."

Thomas Jefferson, Adams-Jefferson Letters

We have spent the prime of our lives in procuring them the precious blessing of liberty. Let them spend theirs in shewing that it is the great parent of science and of virtue; and that a nation will be great in both, always in proportion as it is free.

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Dr. Willard

Oct 1, 2016

Star Size Comparison 2

I love the science museum-style vangelis music

Though I wish they showed a parsec

Sep 30, 2016

100 years

I'm forty five for a moment
The sea is high
And I'm heading into a crisis
Chasing the years of my life

New Meetup look

Meetup's blog on the redesign.

Digital Trends: take on

Richard Boenigk, Principal Designer, your site looks childlike now and it is harder to find events.

Techcrunch: “We killed the calendar,” CEO and co-founder Scott Heiferman said. Instead, Meetup will recommend listings for you based on your own interests

Reminder, the calendar helped people keep track of their upcoming events, so that they could ensure they would be able to attend.

Jul 26, 2016

Jul 15, 2016

One does not

Can we just have one week with the flag at full staff?

If I were elected, every day, no matter what happened, we'd fly the flag at full staff. Because this the land of the free and the home of the brave and the power provided by the republic is not diminishable by forces small or great.

May 28, 2016

Jobs - how's it going?

Q: How's work at the furniture store?

A: Sofa, so good

Q: How's work in the elevator maintenance business?

A: It has its ups and downs.

Q: How's work in the tile business?

A: It's best to just go with the flo'.

Q: How's work in carpet business?

A: It's like we are in carperpetual motion.

Q: How's work in the graphic design business?

A: It's really the luck of the draw.

Q: How's work in the glue business?

A: We're sticking to the plan.

Q: How's work in the mathematics school?

A: It has its pluses and minuses.

Q: How's work in the fan business?

A: We just got wind of a new design.

Q: How's work in the soda business?

A: At work, I'm a real pop-ular guy.

Q: How's work in the cheese-topping business?

A: It's real grating.

Q: How's work in the car flat repair business?

A: I'm hoping to retire soon.

Q: How's work in the men's formal apparel business?

A: If at first you don't succeed, tie tie again.

Q: How's work in kickball manufacturing.

A: Business was down, but we're bouncing right back.

Q: How's work in the martial arts field.

A: I don't work there, I just do it for kicks.

Q: How's work in the bakery.

A: Business is rising.

A: There's plenty of dough in this industry.

A: Our ingredients are the yeast of our worries.

Johann Gambolputty

Johann Gambolputty-de-von-Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crass- cren-bon-fried-digger-dangle-dungle-burstein-von- knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty- spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelter-wasser-kurstlich-himble- eisen-bahnwagen-guten-abend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwürstel- gespurten-mitz-weimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-schönendanker- kalbsfleisch-mittleraucher-von-Hautkopft of Ulm.<.p>

No Handlebars?

Flobots - No Handlebars

'Cause, the 90s....

Soul Coughing - Super Bon Bon

Soul Coughing - Circles

Republica - Ready to go?

The Breeders - Cannonball

Jane's Addiction - Been caught stealin'

The Pixies - Where is my mind?

Soundgarten - Black Hole Sun

Oasis - Wonderwall

Oasis - D'ya know what I mean?

May 4, 2016

Holmes DND

This was one of my favorite drawings to recreate (using candle / eraser technique):

Mar 5, 2016

Updated Calendar

Holocene calendar

Godspeed to calculator heaven, Tony Dyson

"Be playful," he told the publication last year. "Never stop playing. If you look at life the way it really should be – enjoyed – then you become very creative." -telegraph

Feb 25, 2016


  • Substring for Excel
  • Filter for duplicates
  • Then trimming (excel can't handle, it crashes):
    while read -r; do echo "${REPLY%%HTTP*}"; done < 1456449636_2156704-3.txt >> -4.txt
  • notepad++ duplicates

Feb 2, 2016

School closings

Couldn't they decide now what they are going to do tomorrow, instead of waiting until the last minute and their mind half-way through the day? Fortunately I was working from home today, so a normal 15-20 minute drive to school only took 45 min each way, but what if I had a job to be on site in another city altogether. Back in my days of environmental work, there is no way to abandon a project with rental equipment and charge the client for extra time, travel, etc. I just feel school administrators need to do due diligence and plan ahead based on forecast. MNDOT says the roads are going to be bad tomorrow morning, so make your call now, tonight, while we're still planning. Our school is at the mercy of River Falls School District, it follows their procedures, I believe for busing purposes. Here it is 10:00 PM and they still have mostly yesterday's closings posted, not tomorrow's. I'm just going down their list of suggested news outlets:

  • wcco - big blank area shown above - no old new, no new news, no news.
  • fox9 - today's closings
  • kstp - tomorrow's news
  • kare11 - tomorrow's news
  • moose106 - today's closings
  • b95 - today's closings

Mischa Daniels

Another Place

Take me higher

All That Mattered

Jan 27, 2016

Tell that to Kanjiclub meme

My kids and I were joking about this, and it turns out it is a meme already

And the wookie song

Jan 25, 2016

BB Guns

Just walking outside this weekend, I realized that BB in BB gun was an acronym for ball bearing. Why I never made that correlation before is indiscernible.

Jan 16, 2016

Arcade High - A year ago

You know those morning you look outside and everything is different?
Nothing is like it was?
Do you believe in fate?
I do...
At least I think I do...
It's hard to believe that it's been a years since last time I saw you.
We missed so much trying so hard to hold on to the things that we once had.
But you know,
Not even the stars stay outside forever.

Jan 12, 2016

Synthwave, retro new wave

2016, this year I've gotten into a reboot of the new wave genre. This includes Synthwave, a more recent retrofuturistic concept in music, replaying some of the elements of New Wave, video games, and the neonesque neon-line art Nagel, computer grids, and a time when a VCR and cassette tapes were cutting edge technologies.