Sep 5, 2015

Apple River: Black Brook Dam to Hwy 65

Let in at Black Brook Dam

45.263809, -92.403091

River hazard: down trees

Trees blocked primary channel, fortunately a large set of tubers were going to the left and made some calls to go left. I'm glad, because the primary channel was unpassable.

Let in: Little Falls

Pike Hole Rapids

Some people ahead said not too worry, not anything to worry about, but I saw 3 huge dips, walls of water, and though I made the first two, flipped on the third and was dragging for a while. Some scars on my right thigh, lost sunglasses, but could have been worse. Next time might try portaging on the left, where I saw the tubers climbing in. It was kind of sudden and not like the rest of the river up until that point nor after.

River hazard - trees blocking

I made a cursory scan and it seemed like the tree angle at the far right was passable. I made it but lost my Sony camera in the brush, it fell off, but as I made it under the tree, I could not relocate it. Can't tell if it floated or fell - never tested its bouyancy before this incident. Sad because it might have had some good shots of the rapids.

Interesting flow

At one point you can go full left or right, the current actually led me first to the northern channel, but I was able to steer back to the primary channel.

Let out at 150th St.

45.279579, -92.471765

Let out at Random

45.270097, -92.499943

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