Mar 1, 2015

Taste of Armageddon - SFB scenario

Doing a Classic Trek marathon - came up with an idea for a Star Fleet Battles scenario A Taste of Armageddon, where like the episode, the ship is targeted by a computer wargame. However in this instance, the captain has one or two Federation destroyers. The scenario is like the show where the computers decide the fate of the battle. However instead of stepping into a disintegration station, the planets battling each other but the player can decide to change the course of the battle. The decision, is how to they deal with the situation and in the context of the prime directive.

  1. Follow the prime directive and execute the battle according to plan (losing the ship(s).
  2. Forget the prime directive and battle the planet from orbit.
  3. Forget the prime directive and use the planned strategy knowledge to win the battle.

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