Jan 24, 2015


updating to 2.1.5.

Dev download


Arduino LCD die roller for Eclipse Phase

Tonight I wrote this die roller for Arduino with a LCD shield to show Eclipse Phase dice results (d10) and (d100) while watching a movie, the code is a gist, LCDDiceRoller.ino. To get true random, had to use the TrueRandom library.

Based on some analysis of the data using ruby descriptive_statistics library I wrote a simple data reader to test the TrueRandom data at singlestat.rb. The raw data is on ledlogic.net

$ ruby randomstats.rb
{:number=>5301.0, :sum=>240566.0, :variance=>735.0908311889833, :standard_deviation=>27.112558551139788, :min=>"1", :max=>"99", :mean=>45.38124882097718, :mode=>"56", :median=>44.0, :range=>98.0, :q1=>22.0, :q2=>44.0, :q3=>64.0}

The values seem biased low.

The entropy library might be a better choice for true randomness.

Jan 23, 2015

Unity 3d Eclipse Phase Dice Roller

Thinking of making a utilitarian dice roller for Eclipse Phase. Can't decide if I should go all unity-3d or just keep simple 2d for now.

Started a unity-based roller, Unity-DieRoller, using the plugin from the store mentioned above. It took a while for me to realize that the dice kept falling using a mesh, until I saw a tip in the unity forums to make the mesh collision convex.

Eclipse Phase Fonts

In an attempt to track down the Eclipse Phase fonts used, I added a note to these font questions in the forums

Eclipse Phase Fonts
Font humor

Michio Kaku

The Universe in a Nutshell

Take it in with a quantum of sun. Some of the stuff he says is pretty outlandish: "The internet is a simple by-product of the electromagnetic force."

The transition from Type 0 civilization to Type 1 civilization

Jan 17, 2015

Comparison of Tomcat connections to JDBC connections

I tried posting this as a survey question on stack overflow, but apparently it is too broad they said.

Perhaps I can still get some comments/ feedback from people through a blog.

I'm tuning ratios between Tomcat 6/7 server threads and Oracle JDBC threads to avoid "Waiting for Idle Object" errors and wanted to get a sample of production ratios.

I'd like to gather metrics and provide some analysis back to the community. If you can, please provide your production quantities of max tomcat server connections and max jdbc connections (please don't post the whole server.xml or sensitive information). I realize every application is different, but it'd be interesting to see if there are general rules or correlations.

Here is a link to the survey.
  • This - using 400:200
  • These setups for Weblogic seem to use a 1:1 ratio.
  • This - requested server.xml for comparison.
  • This uses 25:55 (1:2.2) ratio.
  • This had the Connection Timeout : Waiting for Idle Object. issue with 600 server connections and 100 jdbc connections.
  • This - should have jdbc > threads.
  • This - says 1:1.25 should work (safety factor).
  • This has an interesting article (related to flexypool) on performing the analysis
  • This reading on p.95 says start with 1:1 but then add at least one to prevent deadleak.
  • This recommends a funnel approach HIS(1000) -> WAS (50) -> DB (30).
  • This suggests a 200-800 range.
  • This suggests 200-800 (400 to start). connectionTimeout > 20000 too high (we are 60000).
  • This 800-1000 for a quad core machine is no problem.
  • This shows a 1.875:1 ratio.

Checkerboard illusion

By Luca Dimola on Codepen.

The lines are straight - see my fork with lines

Bacon wrapped Ferrari

Jrebel might want to rethink their target market... I completely ignored the advert but my 10-yr old son noticed it from across the room. Personally I think you would never be able to get the smell out of the car no matter how many febreeze attempts.

Jan 12, 2015

New York Bozo description from Aaron

Dummy play

The play

Facing Seahawks and Replacement Refs

Jan 11, 2015

CSS Nth-child tricks

CSS nth child tricks


"Please note this video contains flashing images"

Dark and Long on BBC 6

Born Slippy .NUXX on BBC 6

Cowgirl (Bedrock Mix)

Loveparade 2008

In the Nursery

To the faithful - Live

In the Nursery - wiki

In the Nursery - official site

Jan 5, 2015

Electra woman and Dyna girl

Smart watches of the Krofft Superstar Era

Jason of Star Command

More shows from the 1970s - Space Academy and Jason of Star Command.

Space Academy

Jason of Star Command - Ok, wiki, do you're thing.

Room 222

1x01 Richie's Story

1x02 Naked Came We Into the World