Chainduio: an interesting kickstarter project for powering using just CAT5. I like the aesthetics of the project web site, nice neutral colors, glow.
Aug 31, 2014
Aug 30, 2014
The Stig's cover is blown
Aug 29, 2014
Honda Insight 2014
So begins my foray into hybrid vehicles. I would have done it in 2004 if it seemed to make economical sense. It still really didn't until I looked at the Honda Insight base model. This no frills hybrid, hopefully will save some money in the long run by taking me from 3 gallons a day to 2. It wasn't until about 40 miles that I surpassed my highest-ever efficiency in my 2004 Mazda 6 - 31.98 mpg. By the time I reached my village it was up to ~ 37 mpg so far. I aim to keep this a low-frills car, though I might burn some custom mp3 cds and at least hook up my Samsung SIII as the nav system.
Aug 26, 2014
Aug 22, 2014
DS18B20 Temperature sensor
Ordered a DS18B20 temperature sensor on Amazon, thinking I could use this on the Arduino.
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
- 4.7K ohm resistor
- According to amazon, the output leads: red (VCC), yellow (DATA), black (GND).
- According to espruino, the values are red (vcc), white(data), black (ground) or red(vcc), yellow(data), green (ground).
- According to the real world, the output leads are red (VCC?), green (DATA?), and black (GND?).
- Find the 1 wire address
- hacktronics 1 wire tutorial
- one wire at pjrc
- Dallas temperature control library
- hobbytronics: briefest code example using dallas + onewire
Sadly it looks like either I cooked it or it is faulty. Could not get a reading, raw, or address-based response. Ordered some more from another dealer to compare.
Temp + LCD output gist
LCD Keypad shield for Arduino from DFRobot
For my birthday I received a LCD Keypad shield for Arduino from DFRobot.
- Push the button - works fine, so the LCD settings are:
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); // select the pins used on the LCD panel
- LCD_Buttons.ino - worked right out of the box
STEM at the MN State Fair
Aug 21, 2014
Hail is...
Aug 18, 2014
The Mundaneum
In the forum for my Internet History class, someone suggested this article from the Atlantic, featuring the Mundaneium, a planetwide network which seems to foretell the Internet.
From Otlet's Monde
Here is a 2012 presentation by the author. He also discusses Bush's Atlantic article:
Aug 12, 2014
GPSLogger - set up
Yesterday on the way to work I tried to run my GPSLogger, but discovered, nothing was saved, I had no results. On the way home, I made sure the USB was plugged into the higher voltage port on the Romoss, and reset the arduino a couple times after being plugged in. Then it worked OK. I wonder if the gibberish I sometimes get for the first few datapoints messes with the comparison strings, causes overflow (int, or a bad filename.
Aug 11, 2014
Aug 10, 2014
Arduino + GPS + SD Card -> GPSLogger
Tonight I tested out a pretty good version of a GPS datalogger. As mentioned in my previous post Arduino Storage + GPS, I have these components:
- Arduino Uno Rev 3
- Dexter Industries GPS Shield
- Seeedstudio SD Card Shield
- Polaroid 512 MB SD Card, formatted DOS_FAT_16.
- Sistema Klip It 6.7-Ounce Container - similar to this user's idea:, but I cut a whole in the site for the plug and a whole in the top for the GPS (triple stack does not fit, and I've learned from a burnt out strobe box that you don't force electronics into slightly smaller containers than they need).
- Romoss Ph40-s 10400mah Portable Rechargeable Charger
It checks the GPS on a 1 second delay, and if there is a change in latitude or longitude, it plots a new datapoint to the CSV file. Here is the latest source code for the project: GPSLogger.ino
For some reason the first few datapoints were messed up, but then it was pretty stable. Still not sure if that is the SD card warming up or the GPS. I ran the cleaned output through this site, which has a nice csv to google map plot, and came up with this for a quick walk tonight. Some of the datapoints were up to 5m off, but on the whole the vector and the trail were pretty accurate.
From a coding perspective the trickiest parts were fiddling with the conversion of output from DDMMYY to YYYYMMDD, extending the float or char arrays to Strings for simple output, and the use of the F() function to properly Serial-ize the labels, a question I learned the answer to from
There are only 300b left however, so I'm not sure what data I can log with the remainder.