Oct 9, 2011

TCCC11 - Day Two

2.1 Introduction to Design Patterns by Brian Gorman. Bizarre take on the Star Wars Universe characters from a patterns perspective. I truly think if he had played Starships Unlimited or looked at damage from an energy perspective, he might have implemented the Decorator pattern differently. Good early morning talk to get you going, but a little on the light side in terms of GoF patterns.

2.2 Knockout JS by Judah Himango. Data bind your way to dynamic HTML UIs with clean maintainable code. I think this is pretty neat, it uses a lot of what XForms could have been, seems consise, and powerfully cleans up the code. This contacts editor shows the hierarchical data case I have been looking for.

Great talk, great examples. Every question from the audience was answered in the next section.

2.3 HTML5 Canvas by Kevin Moot. Good summary and examples for each of the canvas features. Learned a bunch of tricks I did not know you could do in canvas5. Great examples at moot-point.com. Though the video examples did not run at work.

2.4 Web Development with Sass and CoffeeScript by Brian Hogan. http://www.webdevelopmentrecipes.com
Learned the term hoisting, which is how local variables are hosted to their most local scope. In function variables hoist up to their functions. You can see this by watching the debugger. Upon entry to a function, that variable is hoisted to the visibility of the function, as opposed to languages which treat scope between curlies more stringently.

2.5 Writing Closure Macros by Kurt Christensen. I think I've heard this talk before. It was fun watching the translators trying to keep up with his off-the-wall vocabulary.

I won a T-shirt which was ironic because I already had ordered one of the TCCC t-shirts from their cafepress site earlier this week (and wore it to the conference today).

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