Aug 9, 2011

Moore/Harsdorf Recall Election

There was a local election today. I don't feel really great about it either way. No matter who wins the vote, Wisconsinites have lost.

If Harsdorf wins, the Republicans will see it as a repudiation of the objections to their anti-labor stance. They will return to Madison with more pro-wealthy, pro-bank, and anti-Wisconsin rhetoric. They'll strike down police and firefighter's rights to bargain. Isn't anyone else concerned that corporations are treated as having individual rights while actual citizens are stripped of their rights? They'll axe healthcare and parks, diminishing the quality of life so that a few rich cats can keep their wealth and escape with their (Swiss) accounts.

If Moore wins, the democrats will spend their entire effort fighting Walker on unions, having spending parties that bring money into the schools, unfortunately these will be spent on administrators, benefits, and everything else except the student body and its environs.

Meanwhile, the real focus of attention in this education/spending reform should be getting more use of this infrastructure. It requires bringing USA schools in line with the most advanced countries in the world. It requires increasing the school year, focusing on fundamentals instead of burning money on technology and infrastructure resources, paying for expert teaching staff that is seen as professionals on par with doctors and lawyers, then we can drive international trade.

I don't think either of these candidates care enough about the future to look at the real issues though.

Lastly, the fact that we have this recall election shows that we don't really have enough compromise in government to achieve beneficial results. It's operating more like a free-for-all giveaway, where the elected groups try to run out with as much stuff as they can before they take a recess. That's not government for the people.

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