Apr 19, 2011

We: A Visual Interpretation

For my graphic design course at MCAD, we need to create a printed media composition. We have only two more weeks to create the final project so I figure I'd better start working on it. I'm not that creative under pressure, I need time to weed out the bad ideas and tweak the good ones.

I wasn't definite on a direction so I gave the instructor, Jenny Tondora, several ideas to play with. She responded that she liked the idea of the book/perhaps droid version of an artistic word book on the concept of Zamiatin's We, a ground-breaking distopian novel written in the 1920s.

I've long thought this would be a good novel to make into a Motion Picture, but the pitch I need is to develop a storyboard to go along with a screenplay for it. With this assignment, I don't have time to develop the whole storyboard, but perhaps instead come up with the pitch, the narrative preface to what the work is about.

First step: finding my copy of We I received two years ago at Christmas from Quincy (One book in a house full of books is sometimes time-consuming and stressful).

Second step: installing photoshop/tablet software on the laptop.

Third step: thinking about the kinds of layout I'd like to do.

Creative/artistic elements
1. Words/quotes - quotes from the book, settings, persona, literary comparison to similar works
2. Silhouettes - images silhouettes of people white on black, strong contrast, using photoshop to
3. Ideation - do I have time to compose some brain maps such as using Freemind?
4. Font gathering/focusing/selection
5. Futuristic objects/buildings/cities

Futuristic Inspirations:

Furniture: Zaha Hadid