May 25, 2023

Coulee Con 2023

  • 3M Acquire (Bookshelf edition)
    Sat from 9:00 am to 10:50 am

    In Acquire, each player strategically invests in businesses, trying to retain a majority of stock. As the businesses grow with tile placements, they also start merging, giving the majority stockholders of the acquired business sizable bonuses, which can then be used to reinvest into other chains. All of the investors in the acquired company can then cash in their stocks for current value or trade them 2-for-1 for shares of the newer, larger business. The game is a race to acquire the greatest wealth.
  • Traveller: Mamshuli: Another Vault of the Ages?
    Sat from 1:00 pm to 4:50 pm

    Your Vargr archeological team is headed to conduct a subsidized dig on Mamshuli in the Julian Protectorate. Though the Kaanen died out 50,000 years ago, it's generally accepted among Julian xenoarcheologists that their many subterranean constructions have yet to be fully researched. This is likely part due to the risky subsurface conditions, and that many of the tunnels are below the water table. Still, there could be other reasons not as openly discussed in the archeojournals?

    Uses content from WOGD Mayan Epics, Traveller Chronicle 2.
  • Cosmic Quest: To seek out new life, then what?
    Sat from 7:00 pm to 10:50 pm

    Your crew aboard a Saladin-class Destroyer has just arrived at Arlington space station after a run-through of the new warp engine (singular). You arrive just in time to partcipate in the most fateful first contact missions. Caution: may involve space monsters, decompression in the vacuum of space, and loss of hundreds of NPC lives.
    Star Trek II TWOK Bridge