Knight Rider 2015
Dec 31, 2014
Dec 26, 2014
Unity Space Shooter
Created Unity-Rim-Scout, based on the Space-shooter tutorial on the unity site.
Final dist is on
Posted a question to try to see if someone knows how to make the explosion follow the initial vector of the object it is replacing:
Next step, the mobile version is described at space-shooter-to-mobile.
Dec 24, 2014
Safety is NOT guaranteed
Related movies:
- Safety Not Guaranteed
- Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World
Thumb Keyboard for Android
Saginaw Malleable Foundry
One of the environmental/groundwater sites I spent a great deal of time at - it was the first environmental site I had been to while working at BB&L, was the GM Malleable Iron Foundry in Saginaw, MI.
This map shows the boundary of the property: wikimapia
Today I was looking to see what was still there and found little left of the place on Google maps, so I traced further back on the web news to see what had happened.
It's interesting that on the google map it doesn't look like even the environmental treatment plant is there anymore.
It appears that right near the southwest corner of the property is the Green Point Environmental Learning Center, which we never visited while working there.
- 1917 - Plant opens @ 40tons/day reference
- 1924 @200 tons/day
- 1930 - plant stayed busy during the depression on a 10h/day, 6d/week schedule
- 1937 surface kiln installed
- 1946 - became part of Central Foundry Division
- 1991 - integrated into GM Powertrain Division
- May 2007 - closed reference
- 2008 - Remedial Action Plan (RAP) approved
Dec 23, 2014
As part of Unity learning, ran through Project: roll-a-ball.
The project is at: github
My published web project is on
Philosophical approach to collision. - "No things are absolutely are or are not [solid]"
Puppini Sisters
Step into Christmas
Here comes Santa Claus
All I want for Christmas
Jingle Bells with Michael Buble
Let it snow
Dec 20, 2014
Eclipse Phase: Space Trivia Android Application
I started working on an Eclipse Phase Trivia Application in December. I pulled the glossary from the PDF of the rulebook, and added to a fork of an existing Space Trivia Android project on github.
The Space-Trivia android project is on github.
To import the questions, I also created a quick and dirty Java loader, Space Trivia Loader which can take the somewhat broken lined PDF data and make it into a clean CSV file for use in the Android application above.
Screenshot 1: Main View

Screenshot 2: Quiz View

Update 12/31/2014: added to google play store
Update 01/02/2015: cnet made a download link to it already.
Dec 6, 2014
Unity server on aws
Several solutions in this answers article.
Unity CaptureScreenshot command. This was the easiest to demo/implement.
Next: how to run headless?
Note: chmod 400 jostens-2014.pem
Installing wget on macos
ssh -i jostens-2014.pem ec2-user@
Security group: adding security