Jan 30, 2014

String comparison

A great post regarding string comparison: getting-the-closest-string-match.

Jan 10, 2014

Portal (Canadian) Band

Having a band name Portal may have sounded cool, but with the proliferation of software portals, the games called portal, and other bands from around the world adopting the same moniker, it's actually tricky to find them on in the internet. I don't know how I even found their music, but it has a grinding harsh electronic sound in the vicinity of Muse, Tool. This seems to be their official website.

DC going with Steampunk covers

I like this artwork adapting the Justice League heroes to steampunk.

Uptown art fair: Chess pictures

In ray tracing, one of the common demonstrations is a checkerboard. I think one of our assignments in computer graphics class at the U of MN was to include one in our ray tracer project (I made an object pascal library in Think Pascal).

At last year's Uptown Art Fair in Minneapolis, there was an artist that specialized in Chess renderings, Beau Tuzdarov. Below is one of my favorite ones, a kind of Lord of the Rings meets chess piece.