Jan 30, 2010

Planet Gift Shop

Planet Gifts is a Facebook app I was making to experiment with the Facebook API.

  • Cleared out the icon backgrounds

  • fixed some bugs

  • Switched to using fb:name tags

  • Fixed a db glitch with user id size

  • Sending notifications.

Int(10) is not sufficient size for a Facebook User Id

The examples I have seen use INT(10) for SQL databases, but just tonight I was experimenting with two new users and was seeing this peculiarity: all the user_id values saved to the database were reported as 4294967295. This is the maximum INT(10) I believe, so if you want to use your Facebook app with new users, you need to amend your data to BIGINT(20). Then it works.

Jan 28, 2010

Facebook App: Canvas

Made a canvas page for Planet Gift Shop. Added an "Add to Profile" button but I guess Facebook deprecated that in late 2009.

Jan 24, 2010

Jan 23, 2010