Sep 14, 2024

Con of the North 2024

  • Traveller MASH
    Friday from 12:00 to 15:50

    Your ship of skilled EMTs and doctors travels to war-torn worlds, selling rescue and emergency services to local governments. You have been assisting with recovery operations for various factions in this system, but now you're seeing a change in the evacuees. Is there something going on the Imperium should hear about? Will you investigate the strange cases coming in? How far do you want to go to trace this new possible type of biological warfare?
    System: Traveller Mongoose 2nd Edition
  • Stay Slimey
    Friday from 16:00 to 19:50

    In this Kafka-esque Stay Frosty scenario, you control one of several bug factions - brain, brawn, flying, and rogue - defending your hive territory from the infuriating yet delicious Terrans. Compete amongst your fellow bug players to see who can protect and grow your hive the quickest and ultimately take the fight back to Terra to exterminate the human infestation from the galaxy once and for all.
    System: Stay Frosty
  • The Romulan Deception
    Friday from 21:00 to 00:50

    Glory to the Empire, subcommander. Your ship is one of the few Intelligence Cruisers in the Romulan Fleet, a vessel wholly crewed by members of the Tal’Shiar. Your ship has extra sensors, computers, and stealth capabilities for evading detection. Your mission is to infiltrate a Federation outpost and determine if it is truly a scientific base as they claim, or as you suspect, a secret monitoring post designed to steal secrets from the Empire. A homemade scenario.
    System: FASA Star Trek
  • Traveller Mamshuli: Another Vault of the Ages?
    Saturday from 10:00 to 13:50

    Your Vargr archeological team is headed to conduct a dig on Mamshuli. Though the Kaanen died out 50,000 years ago, their many subterranean constructions have yet to be fully researched. This is likely partly due to the risky subsurface conditions, and that many of the tunnels are below the water table. Still, there could be other reasons not as openly discussed in the archeojournals? *Can be played stand alone. No need to attend other Traveller Mamshuili games*
    System: Traveller Mongoose 2nd Edition
  • Traveller Mamshuli: This belongs in a museum!
    Saturday from 20:00 to 23:50

    Your Vargr archeologists have found quite the dig on Mamshuli. You are nearing the end of your exceptional 1-year study. There remain a few sites in the mountains that might still have evidence of superior technology from the ancient Kaanen civilization. There is a restricted law level, but you might just don your high-tech gear to try to learn more once-in-a-lifetime secrets to add to your archeological notoriety. *Can be played stand alone. No need to attend other Traveller Mamshuili games*
    System: Traveller Mongoose 2nd Edition
  • Traveller: Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money)!
    Sunday from 09:00 to 12:50

    Glamour, escapades, and the Theat-re! Be one of the elite megacorp movers and shakers of the Solomani Rim, closing deals, making megacredits, living in luxury, all while acting on a theater troupe on the side. But this next set of contracts is in the Vegan Autonomous district. Will you succeed there as well? Is there more to this enclave that _meets_ the eye? Elite pregens will be provided.
    System: Traveller Mongoose 2nd Edition
  • Kids on Bikes 2: Return to Kollok
    Sunday from 13:00 to 16:50

    Something is happening in Kollok, Washington. Ever since the Memotex factory opened its doors a year ago, DAT technology is replacing not only similar technologies, but there are rumors of a dark side to this technology. And what happened to the Kollok AV club? Skedaddle around town with the kids of the Kollok RADAR in their misadventures discovering what is happening in your small town. Choose from 24 character tropes, 10 custom bikes, and 34 wristwatches.
    System: Kids on Bikes 2nd Edition

Traveller Con 2024

  • Solomani Rim: The Subversion of Ludmilla
    Friday from 1:00 pm to 4:50 pm

    The Vegan Autonomous district has long-sought to reassociate with the neighboring systems lost during the Solomani Rim War. Thanks to decades of pharmaceuticals and military supplies provided by Solomani Confederation associated megacorporations, the Vegans are looking to take the next steps in their growth strategy to higher gravity, Vegan-sphere systems. A diverse team of Vegans and Solomani agents are tasked with the revolt of Ludmilla from the Imperium. How you choose to aid the rebellion in three acts, with either be begrudgingly accepted as a "Vegan Spring" or cause another "Operation Danube" crackdown by the Third Imperium.
  • Caprice Highport Escort Fighters: Headhunter
    Friday from 7:00 pm to 10:50 pm

    Starships need escorts sometimes, even in the elite space of the Solomani Confederation. Caprice Highport Escort Fighters (CHEFs) are a team of professional pilots and professional security agents who excel at police security, robot navy destruction. The scuttlebutt is that they composed their own 70s synth, brass, and wachika guitar theme. The player characters are hired to "proactively escort" a scientist of great stature and deliver them safely to a hidden research base, in order to aid with a vital research project for the megacorp. Pregens will be provided.
  • Caprice Highport Escort Fighters
    Saturday from 8:00 am to 11:50 am

    Starships need escorts sometimes, even in the elite space of the Solomani Confederation. Caprice Highport Escort Fighters (CHEFs) are a team of professional fighters ready to help merchants get their goods to market, couriers get their mail on time, and yachts avoid seeing anyone cross their path. Are you ready for the G's?

Lost code for Traveller simulated combat

Being somewhat of a packrat, it is disconcerting to lose a chunk of code.  I know I created some library using javascript using 3d plus some simple code to simulate and adjust how many guards I think some PCs could take on in Mongoose Traveller RPG. I just can't seem to find that code, but also unwilling at the moment to rewrite it from scratch.

After some realization that it was a particular library that was being used, searched my codebase and found this project, "terrain" that has the Oghma battle aboard a space station.  Tried to figure how many station security could fight the incoming pirates/marauders assuming the Makergod scenario's book stats weapons and armor settings.

Somehow, this combination seemed the most balance: 40 station security and 8 ohgma raiders, which is good that I did not send too many up against the player characters or it would have been a TPK.

Gitlab: ohgma

Sep 2, 2024

Ilus IV / New Terra calculations

Nagomi says:
* Seismic quake - 1hr
* shockwave at the speed of sound
1,235 km/h * 8-10h for tsunami to come around the planet
* Tsunami 10 h after that 
* Wiki says Tsunami is 3km wall.

Earth diameter is 12,756 km.
Wiki says that Ilus IV is about 13,000 km, 1 atm.

Diameter (arc) of shockwave around the planet is 9880 - 12350 km

Planet has minimum d*r circumference, greater than 9880 / PI = 3145 - 3931 km.